So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God who makes things grow.
1 Corinthians 3:7

Having just completed the '4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice' course in July and learning and growing so much in my relationship with God because of it, I knew I didn't want that growth to stop - I needed it to continue because there were still areas in my life/heart that needed healing and that I knew only God could help mend. Thankfully, individual coaching was available and Andrew was there to humbly, patiently, and graciously lead me closer to God. Before starting the coaching program, I had a lot of "ideas" about who I thought I was (mostly negative) and who I thought God was (some negative), but after going through the program, and having Andrew use his discernment and incredible gift of hearing the Holy Spirit in what was needed, he was able to provide me with readings, videos to watch, heartfelt feedback, and scriptures to read that touched my heart exactly at the right time and place to change those "ideas". As an example, I am continuing to use a lesson learned from one of the videos daily so my heart can be free from bitterness as I move forgiveness out of my head and into my heart (Luke 6:27-28) - I didn't think I would ever find that peace! I'm so grateful to God for putting it on the hearts of men like Andrew to want to share their gifts and love of God with others. Being able to have a real, two-way relationship, with a loving God, has made all the difference.

First, let me say thank you for providing this opportunity. I also thank God for allowing this to come to me. What 4 Keys To Hearing God's Voice course gave me was a much clearer understanding of what I am reading as far as scripture is concerned. I doubt every single thing in my life. Or at least I did until recently. Mostly I doubted myself. Having 90 minutes a week to work with what I consider TWO instructors, Andrew & Ligia (fellow classmate), has given me many tools. But more importantly, it's given me a stronger faith in my walk with the Lord. I still don't necessarily know where I'm going or who I will be when I get there. But I do know Who to ask & a much better understanding of how to receive the answers. Thank you so much for your guidance Andrew. I'm kind of sad it's over. I have never been that dedicated or committed to a class in my 54 years. God Bless

Coaching with Andrew has been transformational for me. I did not really know what to expect but God has done more than I could have asked or imagined. He used Andrew powerfully through these coaching sessions and assignments. The combination of his heart for God and his sensitivity to the Spirit gave him a focus which felt deep and insightful. I felt as if I arrived at coaching presenting numerous challenges in my life, but Andrew was able to discern the root issues and home in on the Kingdom keys to unlock my heart. As a result, I feel that my relationship with God has been restored, I have grown in my true identity in Him and received emotional healing. What’s more, I know that through Andrew God has put me back on track. I am confident that I am now on a different trajectory, the one that is in alignment with my destiny, and I am very grateful!